Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Samsung Galaxy SIII - A must have and favorite app

This will be an installment list, more apps will be listed as I soon recommend them and or somebody suggest.
Next installment will add, screenshots or App Icon for ease of identification on App Store.

I will be talking in general on what are best based on my experience. And it is not limited for Samsung Galaxy SIII only, but for all Android devices which can run all the apps mention.

 Note: Apps listed here does are mostly compatible with lower versions of Android, mine as of this initial writing is Ice Cream Sandwich.

 I will be breaking the list into category.

  • Camera 360
  • Cartoon Camera
  • InstaPicFrame
  • FxCamera
  • PhotoGrid
  • OldPhotoEffects
  • Cartoon Photo
  • Pencil Camera
  • Pencil Sketch
  • Instagram
  • Facebook (Messenger)
  • Skype
  • Twitter
  • Chrome
  • Opera Mobile (not mini)
  • Firefox
  • S Planner   (installed by default)
  • S Memo   (installed by default)

  • Slice It

  • Wind-up Knight

  • Anti Mosquito
  • Dropbox (installed by default)
  • Maps/Latitude/Navigation  or simply Google map (installed by default) 
  • Go Task Manager
  • S Baro
  • Barcode Scanner
  • Battery Indicator
  • Android VNC
  • Terminal IDE
  • Winamp - just because I can sync my mp3 with my Windows OS at home
  • Mango

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