Saturday, July 16, 2011

UBUNTU 11.04 - Some unconfort

- Unity: I tried getting accustom for weeks, but I give up and use the classics
- Kate: Still has no GNOME counterpart for me. Bugs on buffers. not happy. If not fix in the few weeks updates, I might get back to 10.04LST which work just great.
- ALSA: crawling forum by forum searching for solutions. I still has no audio.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Setting date and time on CentOS

Well most linux should also follow the format.
The syntax is

$ sudo date MMDDhhmmYYYY

MM - Two digit month number
DD - Two digit date
hh - Two digit 24 hour system hour
mm - Two digit minute
YYYY - Four digit year code

if you are already root, you can ignore the sudo

Here is a valid example command, where I am login as root already

$ date 071509442011

You should see the confirmation date after you executed that command, and will be similar to this
Fri Jul 15 09:44:00 PHT 2011

to confirm just enter date command
$ date

You might want your bios clock to adjust to your new OS clock, so that when you rebooted, your OS will use the newly adjusted date and time.

$ hwclock --systohc

Maybe I will try to post on how to set NTP. But for now this is just my personal notes. Hope someone find it useful.

New Blog Approach

I keep on searching for something I already found before. That is finding information for something I am doing, something that I dont bother remembering "How To's".. well instead of putting them on my notes, I will also now try to put it on blogs. here.. I hope somebody could also found some useful information here. Well here it start.. :)

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Sync Tomboy Notes for Windows on UbuntuOne

I been back on my Windows environment lately and are missing many things that I been comfortably using on Ubuntu. One of them is my Notes. Somebody might suggest using other services like Google Notebook (I am still using this), Evernote and other tools and services available.

Basically I am using Tomboy notes for simplicity and just there for being my sticky pad.

When I install Tomboy notes on windows, first think I check is how to sync it with Ubuntu One. I Google it and found this link, scroll down the tutorial until you found the instruction for Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic) and 10.04 LTS (Lucid) its the same with windows tutorial located after this, that tells how to use Tomboy Web.

Here is the link